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Welcome to the History Program!


Welcome to our Misson!

Welcome to the History Program at UC Merced. We are delighted that you have embarked on a journey toward a deeper understanding of how the societies in which we live came to be. Historians at UC Merced are passionately curious about the world of the past. We recognize that examining the past helps us understand the processes and changes unfolding in the present. Whether it is a significant shift in the American electorate, a major change in the unemployment rate, or a conflict in Sudan or the Middle East, we look to history for explanations. An education in History at UC Merced equips students with the skills and insights to understand the world they came from and to envision the world they want to see created. 


The History faculty at UC Merced is particularly attentive to power dynamics. Some of the questions that animate our research agendas and shape our curriculum include: In what ways does power generate diverse and unequal lived experiences? How does it influence the narratives we construct about our identities? How does it affect our knowledge and methodologies? Geographically, our faculty predominantly focuses on Africa, the Atlantic World, the African Diaspora, and Latin America. For those of us focused on the United States and Europe, our research centers on historically underrepresented communities. Across all fields, we address fundamental issues of race, gender, and empire. Beyond the essential historical awareness and humanistic competency needed in today’s interconnected global culture, we believe that engaging with, reflecting on, and debating questions about the value of human life is essential to creating a more inclusive and just society. 


We look forward to you joining our courses and having you at the History Program events! 

—  Dr. Muey Saeteurn, History Program Chair